The brain, mind and body adapt to the demands that you expose them to. All of us can appreciate how inactivity - be it due to injury or personal choice and other commitments - over the matter of a a few short weeks will see a decline in fitness and de-conditioning of the size and strength of our muscles. Now, it's true that not everyone enjoys exercise, sadly this becomes a problem after years of inadequate activity for the body's functional requirements. All systems of the body can be detrimentally affected such as sleep, regulation of blood sugar levels, stability of the musculoskeletal system. What We Can Learn From The Elderly
My advice is to explore how to look after your body so well that you remain fit and active and injury-free - physically and mentally. This means getting in tune with our body and recognising the body signals that alert us that things are beginning to 'go-downhill' and take steps to resolve the issue rather than waiting until a problem really takes hold. Japanese doctor and longevity expert, Shigeaki Hinohara lived to the age of 105. Read this article for his top 5 recommendations for a long health-span. I particularly like No.4 'Rules are stressful; find a way to relax them'. What's your mobility like?
Yoga & PilatesThere are many yoga and pilates exercises which are great for your body. For those of you receiving care at Unwind I will make specific recommendations to modify some positions to ensure the progress of your treatment. What Exercise To Do
Forest Walks.
Exercise & The Effects On The Immune System.
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