Bernard tells us how he's still climbing 6a's at 70.![]() Every once in a while a truly inspiring person walks through the door. It's an honour to introduce you to Bernard. His great passion is Alpine climbing the Alps, Scotland and Wales with his brother and nephews. Cycling and rock climbing play a big part of his life, age plays not part on his mind, he fully intends to complete a forfeit from a bet he lost which consists of doing press ups in a glacial stream... Bernard got in touch with me to sort his back and neck out when his body was stopping him getting on with his active lifestyle. Restriction in his neck began to affect his climbing, he described having difficulty looking up at mountain peaks, feeling like he would loose balance. When I first started working with Bernard, his spine was pretty hard and inflexible. This is something I see a lot and not just in older people! It occurs as a consequence of how the body has to twist itself up to move mechanical stress away from injured or 'weaker' areas of the spine. I'm very happy to tell you that, having worked on his spine with ABCTM his spine is much more supple and he can walk and cycle with freedom of movement in his whole body. I asked bernard how he says young...Bernard: "It's all about lifestyle. I hang out with young people and the family. I've just been told that my nephew's 9 year old daughter can lead climb a 6a graded route! I need to get some practice in!!" "It's great being down at the indoor climbing wall working out a bouldering problem with someone in their 20's. Age means nothing when you're sharing a common interest like climbing." "I cycle everywhere with that backpack on my back, cycling is absolutely part of my lifestyle." where does ABCTM fit in?Bodies develop wear and tear over years because alignment of the skeleton is poor, having twisted itself to compensate for injuries and postures which force bones to move into a direction that the body cannot self-correct. This is self evident as many people's bodies develop rather varied 'wonky' adaptive postures that they didn't have in their younger years. Getting your body structurally corrected with this technique, even from day one will highlight to you how much better you can feel than you do now. "I can now look up at mountain peak whilst walking without altering my posture, I'm now able to keep my balance whilst taking in the view." Bernard MINDSET![]() Positivity comes naturally to Bernard which makes him very good company. From the conversations we've had I can tell he just-gets-on-with-it. He never complains about anything and is always very positive about life in general. foodWith the exception of the beers on the table at our street party that I invited Bernard to in the summer, he eats a good balanced diet of fresh vegetables, meat and natural carbs. Nothing in excess, although I'm told he does like Haribo Starmix!! Nice one Bernard, I love those too!! If you're wondering if I can help you with ABCTM regardless of your age, get in touch with me here.
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